San Francisco County









      Having been in the United States customs service for a period approaching a half century, Henry E. Farmer is now assistant collector of customs in the city of San Francisco. He was born on a farm four miles from Santa Clara, California, on July 14, 1861, and is a son of the late Frederick and Mary (Ryan) Farmer. Frederick Farmer, a marine engineer by profession, first came to California in 1850. He resided in old Mexico for a time, engaged in mining, and subsequently was in the United States Army. He then returned to California, and here located upon a farm in Santa Clara county, after which he was employed in the county assessors’ office in that county.

      Real estate next occupied his attention until 1891, in which year he came to San Francisco and thereafter held various positions in the city hall here. His death occurred in 1907. His wife was a native of Australia; they were married in Santa Clara, and her death occurred in 1929, when she was eighty-seven years of age.

      Henry E. Farmer attended the public schools of Santa Clara county, then took up the courses offered by Santa Clara College, and graduated therefrom with the degree of Bachelor of Science in 1882. For the ensuing four years, he served as deputy auditor and recorder of Santa Clara county in San Jose. His next step was to enter the United States government service, in which he has continued most creditably to the present time. He has occupied his present office of assistant collector of customs in San Francisco since 1902. He has manifested marked ability in the conduct of the responsible duties which have been assigned to him, and he holds a place of high repute in the bay district.

      Mr. Farmer was married to Miss Josephine Dullea on November 17, 1891. She was born in this state, and by her marriage to Mr. Farmer became the mother of seven daughters, one of whom is deceased. There are eight grandchildren.

      Mr. Farmer has given his loyal cooperation in civic affairs of San Francisco, and has ordered his life along the best lines of human existence. In the companionship of his family he has found his greatest pleasure in life. He appreciates the beauty of the great outdoors, and there is no diversion which he enjoys more than hiking through the beautiful country, along the coast.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 123-124.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County