Charles E. Farnem, M. D., whose office is at No. 672 Mission street, San Francisco, was born in Stockton, California, in 1854, and has been in the practice of medicine since 1878. His father was a pioneer of 1849, and a native of New York State. The family were of old New England ancestry, and the originator of the family in America came to New England in early colonial times. Charles E. received his early education in the public schools of Stockton, and later he attended for two years the University of the Pacific at San Jose. He finally graduated at the State Normal School at San Jose in 1874. He taught school in Stockton for about one year, during which time he commenced the study of medicine. In 1876 he entered the medical department of the University of the Pacific, now the Cooper Medical College, where, after a three years’ course, he graduated in the latter part of 1878, receiving the degree of Doctor of Medicine. He at once commenced the practice of medicine in San Francisco where he has remained continuously since. Dr. Farnem holds the chair of Demonstrator of Anatomy, and is adjunct to the chair of Professor of Anatomy. He was for about three years assistant to one of the college clinics. He is a member of the State Medical Society of California, and of the County Medical Society of San Francisco. For three years he was a member of the State Board of Medical Examiners.

Transcribed by Walt Howe. 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, pages 558-559, Lewis Publishing Co., 1892.

© 2004 Walt Howe.


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