Frank J. Fallon, of San Francisco, was born in this city in 1864, his parents being early settlers here.  He was educated in the public schools and also in the St. Mary's College, where he graduated with honor in 1882.  He studied law in the office of Hon. Reuben Lloyd & Hood, and was admitted to the bar in 1887, and since that time he has been engaged in a general and civil practice in the city and State Courts.  He was appointed special Counsel by the Board of Supervisors for the collection of forfeited bail bonds, and his report at that time in regard to the trickery resorted to and the character of men who became bondsmen for Chinese law-breakers is fully set forth as the cause of his resignation.

     Mr. Fallon is a member of the N.S.G.W., and is active in the councils of the order.


Transcribed 11-28-04   Marilyn R. Pankey


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 624, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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