San Francisco County







   HENRY EVERS, Coroner of Alameda county, was born in Bremen, Germany, March 3, 1844, a son of John Henry and Anna (Bergmann) Evers, both natives of what was then the kingdom of Hanover, reaching to an age over sixty.  Grandfather Henry Evers lived to the age of seventy-five; the grandfather, John Bergmann, was over eighty, and his wife was seventy-four—all being of the agricultural class in Hanover.

   Henry Evers was educated in the regular schools of his native land to the age of fourteen years and a half, when he was regularly apprenticed to a wholesale mercantile house, serving four years.  He then served in another similar house for wages, until he set out for California, by way of New York, in 1864, arriving in San Francisco September 29.  He served as clerk until January 1, 1865, in a retail grocery store in the Potrero.  He took the position of bookkeeper for the firm of Lamarche & Co., of Oakland, April 6, 1865, and has since been a resident here except two years, 1874-’76, spent in San Francisco.  Serving as bookkeeper in Oakland to August 1, 1866, he was next clerk for a few months in a wholesale house in San Francisco; and on January 1, 1867, became partner in the Oakland house of Lamarche & Co., where he had been bookkeeper.  He remained a member of the firm until they wound up the business, February 1, 1874.  He then embarked in mercantile business on his individual account in San Francisco, as Henry Evers, so continuing until 1885, when he made an entire change in his career, embarking in the business of undertaker, in which he proved to be the right man in the right place.  He moved his business to Oakland, August 1, 1886.  In 1888 he was elected Coroner on the Republican ticket, and he filled the office with such general acceptance that he was renominated without opposition in September, 1890, and elected in November following by a plurality of 5,544.  He conducts the delicate duties of his office with tender sympathy to the bereaved, but without losing one jot of the necessary keenness of scrutiny wherever the circumstances of death are in the slightest degree open to suspicion.  His official career has been alike free from over-zealous obtrusiveness and neglectful laxity in critical cases.

   Mr. Evers was married in Oakland, August 9, 1868, to Miss Mary C. Suckert, born in New Orleans, Louisiana, of German parents, and has five sons: Henry, Julius, Albert, Leon and Carl.


Transcribed by Cathi Skyles.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 301-302, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Cathi Skyles.




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