San Francisco County




John T. Evans, Principal and proprietor of the Evans School of Chemistry and Assaying, San Francisco, was born in Montgomeryshire, Wales, in 1847.  In 1848 he was brought by his parents to Wisconsin, where his father became extensively engaged as a lumber and flour merchant, owning mills at Racine and Berlin.

     John T. began his education in the public school at Racine, subsequently taking a collegiate course at Ripon College, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, where he graduated in 1871.  At the age of fourteen years he began the study of chemistry, and in his simple laboratory performed many experiments.  During his collegiate course he gave particular attention to the studies of chemistry and mineralogy in both a theoretical and practical manner.  After graduating he was appointed Principal of the public schools of Ripon, where he taught until 1873, when he came to California.  After passing three years in the mines of Sierra county, in studying the practical methods of treating ores, in recovering the gold and silver from the rock, he returned to San Francisco and entered the employ of Thomas Price, the leading assayist of the city, where he gained much valuable information and became chief assistant to Mr. Price in the assaying of ores and minerals.

     In 1888 Mr. Evans established his school of chemistry and assaying in the Sherman building, corner of Clay and Montgomery streets, subsequently moving to the rooms in Montgomery block formerly occupied by the chemical section of the United States Geological Survey.  He purchased the fixtures in these rooms and has since conducted his school here.  He gives special courses in particular lines of assay and mineral investigations, taking only such studies as relate to the special line of work desired.  Pupils come to him from all parts of the country, from Alaska to Mexico, and many of them are now occupying prominent positions secured through his certificates of adaptability and competency.  He has an extended acquaintance throughout the West, and has no need of advertising his school.  He also conducts a general assay and analytical business in ores, minerals, soils, fertilizers, liquids, medical chemistry, etc.

     He was married in San Francisco, in 1875, to Miss Mary Jehn, a native of California.  To this union four children have been added:  Eva, Herbert, Miriam and Walter.

     Mr. Evans is a member of the Academy of Sciences, in which for two terms he served as Vice-President, under Prof. George Davidson.  He is also a member of the Ancient Order of Foresters.


Transcribed 1-14-05  Marilyn R. Pankey

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, pages 689, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.

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