Mrs. Josefa Espenosa


Mrs. Josefa Espenosa, one of the most respected and esteemed lady residents of the beautiful city of San Francisco, is the widow of the lamented Carlo Espenosa, whose death occurred January 3, 1865.  Since the death of her husband Mrs. Espenosa has been very prudent, and kept the large estate left her husband almost intact.  Few business men could have managed their property better than this lady.  She is the owner of a large and valuable estate, comprising about 2,500 acres of the Escarpines ranch and about 8,000 acres of the Pozo ranch.  Mrs. Espenosa has eight heirs to her extensive domain, and she is greatly beloved by them.  The luxurious residence of Mrs. Espenosa is situated at No. 2326 Clay Street, where she lives surrounded by every comfort that wealth can procure.


Transcribed by Karen L. Pratt


Source: Henry D. Barrows & Luther A. Ingersoll, A Memorial & Biographical History of the Coast of Central California. Page 370. Chicago, Lewis Publishing Co., 1893.  

© 2004 Karen L. Pratt.


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