William A. Engwer, proprietor of the Alta soap company, and manufacturer of toilet and laundry soap, at 109 and 111 Oregon street, is a native of Russia Poland, where he resided until the age of sixteen years. He then went to Hamburg to continue his education, paying particular attention to chemistry, which he took up as a profession. In 1863 he started for California, via Cape Horn, arriving in San Francisco in April of the same year. Soon after his arrival he found occupation with R. P. Thomas, of the Standard soap company, which was then in its infancy. With his knowledge of chemistry, Mr. Engwer soon became foreman and subsequently manager of the manufacturing department, and continued in the employ of the company until 1875, when he started his present business at 109 and 111 Oregon street. With the home markets well supplied with all varieties of soap, he at once turned his attention toward building up a market among the South Sea Islands, and in that direction began experimenting with soaps adapted to the water of the countries in which he proposed to trade. In that direction he has been eminently successful, and his chief trade is exporting to Mexico, Central America, South Pacific Islands, China and Japan, also making large shipments to Chicago and the Eastern States. His attention to being entirely given to foreign markets, he is without competition from California manufacturers, but meeting English and Eastern manufacturers, his soaps have to maintain a high degree of excellence. 

He was married in Hamburg in 1859, and to this union have been added four sons and three daughters. Mr. Engwer is a member of the American Legion of Honor, of the I. O. O. F., and the A. O. U. W. and other insurance and benevolent orders. Though of foreign birth he is thoroughly imbued with American principles, free and outspoken in expression and Republican in politics, believing that is the vital influence which will maintain the laws and institutions of the country of his adoption. 

Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 504, Lewis Publishing Co., 1892.


© 2004 Donna L. Becker.


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