San Francisco County









      The strength and ability of the younger generation of attorneys in the city of San Francisco is well exemplified in the person of Norman H. Elkington, who is now successfully engaged in the general practice of law, with his offices situated at 111 Sutter street.

      Mr. Elkington was born in Napa, county seat of Napa county, California, May 26, 1903, and he is a son of George J. and Julia M. (Carlson) Elkington. His paternal grandfather was the first of the family to come to California, his arrival having been in 1860. George J. Elkington was born in Napa, and is now a contractor and builder in San Francisco. He married Julia M. Carlson in Napa. She is a native of the country of Sweden, and by her marriage to Mr. Elkington is the mother of four sons and one daughter, all of whom are living.

      When Norman H. Elkington was three years of age, his parents moved from Napa into San Francisco, and in this latter city he attended the public schools, and the University of San Francisco. From the latter institution, he received his degree of Bachelor of Laws in 1927, and in the same year was admitted to the state bar of California. He took up the general practice of his profession immediately in San Francisco, and has continued therein without interruption since. He is a member of the California State Bar Association. He has conducted the litigation placed into his hands with marked skill, and has won the respect and confidence of both his clientele and his contemporaries.

      Mr. Elkington was married January 30, 1925, to Miss Georgia M. Gilcrest, who was born in San Mateo, Califorina, and they have become the parents of two children, Norma Jeanne and John G.

      When the United States was at war with Germany, Mr. Elkington was just fifteen years of age, but he managed to enlist in the field artillery service. He spent eight months in training at Camp Kearny, and after his honorable discharge he enlisted in the United States Navy, in which branch of the service he engaged for three years. He is a republican in his political adherence, and his favorite recreations are hunting and fishing.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 45-46.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County