San Francisco County







A. C. EIMER, a musician of San Francisco, was born in Bavaria, Germany, in 1847.  His parents came to this country and settled in St. Louis, where our subject had the advantage of a collegiate education, graduating at the Christian Brothers’ College of that city.  He inherited a talent for music, and began its study at an early age, and at the age of ten years assisted his father as organist.  He received his musical education in Germany, his native country, where he held the position of church organist for many years.  He came to this country in 1881, and since then has been successfully engaged in teaching piano singing, composition and organ.  He is organist of the St. Mary’s Cathedral, which has the finest organ on the Pacific coast.  He conducted twenty-six organ recitals in succession at the dedication of this magnificent organ.  During his experience of many years he has held only two positions as organist, one in the church in St. Louis, and St. Mary’s in this city.

      Professor Eimer was leader of the Liederkranz Society until it disbanded, also of the Arion Musical Society and the Handel & Hadyn Society.  He went abroad a few years ago and made an extended tour, and while there met those distinguished in music in different countries.  He has done much in musical composition, having over 250 compositions of various kinds.  Professor Eimer is of a genial and generous disposition, always ready to respond to the call of charity and in relieving the unfortunate.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 680, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Donna L. Becker.



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