San Francisco County




***Please Note: The errors in this biography, is by the original author, not by the transcriber.  Checking the book you will find the same errors.







      Holding a foremost position at the bar of California, and with a record of outstanding credit covering more than a half century of activity in the law, Henry Eickhoff is now engaged in the general practice of his profession in San Francisco, with offices {schwander) Eickhoff.  Anthony Eickhoff was a native of Ger- 17, 1856, (sic) and is a son of the late Anthony and Louise E. Neuen- at 604 Mills building. (sic) He was born in New York city, January many, and was a prominent philologist and journalist in New York. (sic). He was at one time affiliated with the treasury department of the United States, in charge of the consular service, under the administration of President Cleveland. His wife was of Swiss origin.

      Henry Eickhoff attended both public and private schools in New York city, and then took a classical course at the St. Francis Xavier Academy there. Having determined upon the law as his life’s work, he accordingly began his preparation at the Columbia Law School, and in 1875 received his legal degree from this institution. In the same year, he came to San Francisco, California, and here began as a law clerk in the office of Paul Neumann, with whom he went into partnership two years later. He was admitted to the California state bar in 1877, and was later admitted to practice in all of the courts which had jurisdiction in the state. The Eickhoff and Neumann partnership continued until 1883, being dissolved when the latter was appointed attorney-general of Hawaii. Mr. Eickhoff practiced alone thereafter until 1886, in which year he formed another partnership with Judge Curtis H. Lindley. He has conducted litigation for a clientele of high type, and in all of his long experience he has been an honor to the profession, holding the profound respect and affection of his contemporaries. He has been a close student of jurisprudence, and in his work he has manifested a keen understanding and knowledge of the laws of the state and nation. He holds membership in the American, the California State, and the San Francisco Bar Associations.

      On September 13, 1882, Mr. Eickhoff was married to Miss Jessie M. Lowe in San Francisco, and they have become the parents of the following children: Gregory H., Victor, Tekla, and Henry, Jr.

      In civic affairs, Mr. Eickhoff has consistently been loyal to his duties as a citizen, and has participated in numerous movements designed for city improvement. In association with such sterling men as J. J. Dwyer, Judge Jeremiah F. Sullivan, Sam H. Daniels, and A. A. Watkins, he was one of the reorganization committee which ousted Chris Buckley from political control, and thereby performed a notable service for San Francisco. He has always retained an active interest in the affairs of his alma mater.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 440-443.

© 2008 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County