San Francisco County









      One of the younger members of the San Francisco bar is Henry Eickhoff, Jr., who has upheld in brilliant manner the reputation of the name established in the profession by his father, and has attained a clientele of importance.

      Mr. Eickhoff was born in San Rafael, Marin county, California, February 17, 1898, and is the youngest of the four children of Henry and Jessie M. (Lowe) Eickhoff, who are mentioned in detail upon another page of this publication. He was a pupil in the common schools, and in 1814 graduated from the Anderson Military Academy, after which he took up his classical studies at Stanford University, and received therefrom his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1919. His ambition having been to become an attorney, he then continued his legal studies at the Hastings College of Law, University of California, and from this institution obtained his Bachelor of Laws degree in 1920. He started in the practice, after his admission, with Lindley & Eickhoff, one of the members of the firm being his father, Henry Eickhoff, now a distinguished veteran of the San Francisco bar. His offices are situated at 604 Mills building.

      On June 5, 1924, Mr. Eickhoff was united in marriage to Ruth Anthony Leavitt, a native of San Francisco, and they are the parents of one son, Henry (III).

      In politics, Mr. Eickhoff has always contributed to the support of the republican party. He belongs to the Sigma Chi and Phi Delta Phi fraternities, the Bohemian Club and the Olympic Club. During the World war period, he served for six months in the officers training camp, in the field artillery. Aeronautics have been his favorite diversion since the art of flying has gained its place in American life. In social and club circles, Mr. Eickhoff has attained popularity and respect, and he has been scrupulously attentive to his duties as a citizen of San Francisco.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 482-483.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County