San Francisco County








EIKHOFF, HENRY, Attorney, San Francisco, California, was born in New York City January 17, 1856.  His father, Anthony Eickhoff, of German birth, was a prominent philogist and journalist in New York, at one time congressman and subsequently in the Treasury Department, under Cleveland, where he had charge of the Consular Service.  Mr. Eickhoff’s mother, Elisa Neuenschwander, was of Swiss origin.

      On September 13, 1882, he was married in San Francisco to Miss Jessie M. Lowe, and is the father of Gregory H., Victor, Tekla and Henry Eickhoff, Jr.

      His early education was obtained in the public and private schools of New York City, followed by a business and classical course at the St. Francis Xavier Academy.  He was graduated from the Columbia Law College in 1875, and in June of the same year came to San Francisco, where he began his professional career as clerk for Paul Neumann, whose partner he became two years later, continuing as such until 1883, when Mr. Neumann was appointed Attorney General of Hawaii.  For several years thereafter he practiced alone, with encouraging success, and in 1886 entered into partnership with Judge Curtis H. Lindley, under the present title of Lindley & Eickhoff.

      Mr. Eickhoff’s temperament and inherited leanings soon prompted his activity in reform movements.  With J. J. Dwyer, Judge Jeremiah F. Sullivan, Sam H. Daniels and A. A. Watkins he was one of the reorganization committee that ousted Chris Buckley from political control of San Francisco, and was Trustee of San Rafael.  His interest in club life has also been keen.  He is ex-president of the Cosmos Club, a Mason and a member of the San Francisco Commercial and the Merchants’ Exchange Clubs, of the German Benevolent Association and a number of other organizations.



Transcribed by Betty Vickroy.

Source: Press Reference Library, Western Edition Notables of the West, Vol. I,  Page 498, International News Service, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta.  1913.

© 2007 Betty Vickroy.


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