Henry Edwards, the Pacific Coast representative of the wholesale boot and shoe house of C. & P. H. Tirrell & Co., at 109 Battery street, San Francisco, is a native of Quincy, Massachusetts. His father was of Scotch descent, and his mother a descendant of the Emery family, who settled in Massachusetts in the sixteenth century. At the age of sixteen years he entered a boot and shoe factory, where he acquired a full knowledge of manufacturing, and learned every department of the business. In those days a practical man must understand every part of the process; while in the latter days workmen know but one part, and shoes pass from man to man in the several stages of manufacture. Mr. Edwards followed his trade until 1855, when he started for California, via the Panama route. After landing in San Francisco he went to Marysville and was employed in the wholesale boot and shoe house of J. B. Roberts & Co. about one year, and next went to Volcano, Amador county, and engaged in mining. Meeting with poor success he returned to San Francisco and was again employed by J. B. Roberts & Co., at 216 California street, and there he remained for a period of eight years. In 1860 C. & P. H. Tirrell started a manufactory for boots and shoes at South Weymouth, Massachusetts, at the same time opening a store at 419 Clay street, San Francisco, to which they shipped the entire product of the factory. The business was conducted by the brothers until about 1866, when Mr. Edwards was received into the firm, and afterward assumed full charge of the Pacific Coast trade, while the Tirrell brothers returned to South Weymouth to look after the manufactory. Their line has been men’s, boys’ and youths’ boots and shoes in every grade, running a large factory and employing from 150 to 300 men. The business has been conducted successfully on the coast, and they have enjoyed a large patronage. In 1888 they moved to 109 Battery street, their present location, the better to keep pace with business developments and to be nearer the commercial center of the city.  

Mr. Edwards was married in Quincy, Massachusetts, in 1970, to Miss Abigail G. Pope, and they have two children, Abbie and Emma Elizabeth. 

He has been very prominent in Masonry, being a member of the Scottish and York rites, and having attained the thirty-third degree. He has been an officer for many years and the recipient of many honors, and is also a member of the Mystic Shrine. 

Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 515-516, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Donna L. Becker.

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