San Francisco County






Edward Eden


   Edward Eden, Coroner and Public Administrator of San Rafael, is a native of Holland, born at Rotterdam, June 5, 1837. Mr. Eden is the youngest in a family of seven children born to John and Johanna (Doodhagen) Eden, the father a native of Hanover and the mother of Holland.  They emigrated to America and located in Pennsylvania in 1849.  In 1852 Mr. Edward Eden came to California by water, and for a time remained in the metropolis of the West.  In 1854 he located in Marin county.  In 1875 he established an undertakers’ business, which he still conducts.  In 1876 he was elected County Administrator and Coroner, and has continued in office since. Politically he affiliates with the Republican party and has been actively connected with political matters.  He affiliates with the A.O.U.W., the order of Druids, Chosen Friends and Labor Union, all of San Rafael.  Mr. Eden is a man of many sterling qualities and one who has the respect and confidence of the citizens of the community in which he resides.

   He is a man of family, having espoused in marriage to Miss Mary E. Gannon, a native of Ireland, at San Rafael, in 1868.  They have had ten children, five of whom are deceased.  The living are Stephen, Mary E., William, Gertrude and Edward.


Transcribed by David Rugeroni.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 224, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 David Rugeroni.




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