San Francisco County







ARTHUR M. EBBETS has been a resident of California since August 5, 1849. He was born in New York City January 18, 1830, and is a son of Daniel and Ann (Stransbury ) Ebbets. His paternal ancestors, from England and Holland, were among the first settlers in the Empire State, where both his Parents were born. The mother was of German origin, and her ancestors were identified with the colonial history of New York. Arthur M. is one of a family of twelve children, five of whom survive. He was educated in New York City, and for a short time previous to his coming to California he was employed in that city as a clerk in a dry goods store. He was only nineteen years old when the fabulous stories of the gold discoveries in California reached the Atlantic coast, but he set sail at once on the ship Pacific, and arrived in San Francisco in August, 1849. He brought with him a stock of merchandise which he sold at a handsome profit, and in partnership with a fellow- passenger purchased a lot on Broadway near Sansome street; there they built a wooden house, 10x20 feet, two stories high; the lower room was used as a store and the upper one as a sleeping apartment; they opened a general stock of merchandise and were prosperous from the start, at the end of five months having cleared some $40,000. late in 1849 they purchased property on the corner of California and Sansome streets, and Dewitt Brown his partner, went east for stock of goods; they erected a warehouse, the lumber for which was shipped from New York, and continued business until 1857; in 1852 they erected a granite and brick building on California next to Front street, and after this was finished they pulled down the frame edifice and used the lumber in finishing a dwelling for Mr. Ebbets on the corner of Jones and Washington streets, the site being a very fine one, overlooking the bay; there he has lived since 1854. To Mr. Ebbets also belongs the credit of building the first granite structure in San Francisco, the stone being shipped from China.

      After the dissolution of his firm in 1857 he started a general merchandise business at Bellingham Bay, Washington, having his purchasing office in San Francisco. Closing this unprofitable venture in 1859, he opened a coal business at 109-115 Sacramento street, and is still one of the leading merchants in that line.

      While Mr. Ebbets has been actively engaged in commercial pursuits he has not neglected the duties of a loyal citizen. He was a prominent member of all the vigilance committees and did his full share in establishing law and order, which had been well-nigh  overcome by the strong influx of an element that knew no restraint. In 1861 he was elected on the Peoples ticket Recorder of the county, and in 1857 he had held the office of Deputy Assessor. In 1874 he was elected by the Republican party, of which he had been a member since its organization, to the office of Supervisor, and was chosen chairman of the Finance Committee. Mr. Ebbetts has been President of the Society of California Pioneers, and on several occasions a director; he has been President of the Sportsmen’s` s club, and is now Vice President of the Pacific Yacht Club. For nine years he was director of the Mercantile Library, and for one term filled the office of President. He has also the honor of having been a member of the first Republican Convention held in this county.


Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 513-514, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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