San Francisco County









WILLIAM J. DUTTON, vice-president of the Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company, is a native of Bangor, Maine, born January 23, 1847.  His father came to California in 1849, and his wife and family, including the subject of this sketch, came to the State in 1855.  William J. grew up in San Francisco, was educated in the public schools and city college, taking a course in Classics and higher mathematics.

      His father, Henry Dutton, was one of the incorporators of the Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company, and for many years served as  its vice-president, and the natural bent of his son was in the direction of underwriting.  In 1866 he obtained a position at the foot of the ladder in the office of the agency of the North British and Mercantile Insurance Company, and when in 1867 the Fireman’s Fund established a marine department, he was chosen marine clerk.  In 1869 he was elected marine clerk.  In 1869 he was elected marine secretary and held the position till 1873, when his title was changed to assistant secretary, however retaining charge of the marine department.  In 1876 he was placed on the committee of adjustments of the Board of Marine Underwriters, and has since served continuously on the same, and for the past five years has been president of the board.  In 1880 he was elected general secretary of the company, and in 1890 was elected vice-president and manager, which position he still fills.

      Mr. Dutton is making the business of the company the paramount work of his life.  He is thoroughly informed concerning all the details of the business, and is justly proud of the grand success of the company with which he has so long been connected.


Transcribed by Joyce and David Rugeroni.

Source: “The Bay of San Francisco,” Vol. 2, Pages 373-374, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Joyce & David Rugeroni.




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