San Francisco County





LOUIS  F. DUNAND, of San Francisco, was born in the city of New Orleans in 1849.  His father came to this State in 1850, and the next year was followed by his family.  The father was a well-known mining engineer.  Louis F. attended the public schools during his boyhood, and afterward entered Santa Clara College, where he completed his education.  He sub-sequently commenced the study of law, entering Hastings College of Law, and was admitted in 1879 to practice in the courts of this State.  In addition to his general practice he has given much attention to land titles, real estate and, commercial law, and has acquired a successful and remunerative clientage.  Mr. Dunand is prominently identified with the Masonic fraternity, the Ancient Order of Druids and other fraternal organizations.


Transcribed by Walt Howe. 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 33, Lewis Publishing Co., 1892.

© 2005 Walt Howe.




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San Francisco County


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