San Francisco County








      Robert Douglas Duke, who has practiced law in the city of San Francisco, California, for over three decades with conspicuous success, and who has held a number of public positions of responsibility, is a native of this city, his birth having occurred July 23, 1872. He is a son of John Douglas and Maria E. (Hayes) Duke, both of whom are deceased. The parents came to the state of California in 1851, making the trip by way of the Isthmus of Panama. John D. Duke was a mechanic by trade, and followed this line of work in San Francisco until his death in 1912. His widow survived him until 1925.

      Robert D. Duke attended the grade and high schools of San Francisco, and subsequently, with the purpose of preparing himself for the legal profession, he entered the office of the well known law firm of Delmas & Shortridge as a clerk. Later he became associated with the office of John E. Richards, now upon the supreme court bench of California. In 1898, having acquired a comprehensive knowledge of law and a vast amount of experience, Mr. Duke successfully passed the bar examination and was admitted. He established himself in the practice in San Francisco, which he has continued since. He was deputy clerk of the supreme count of the state in 1901-03; assistant district attorney from 1906 to 1910, under the term of Judge Langdon; and was attorney for the California state fish and game commission from 1912 until 1923. His practice is general in character, and he has a large clientele, won by virtue of his fine legal abilities and skillful management of the litigation entrusted to him.

      Mr. Duke is a republican in his political faith. He holds membership in the San Francisco and the California State Bar Associations; in the Masonic fraternity; the Native Sons of the Golden West; and the Olympic Club. Hunting and fishing are his favorite diversions in a busy life. His interest in civic affairs of San Francisco is that of a real, public-spirited citizen, and through his sincerity he has made and held many friends.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 86-87.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County