San Francisco County







   HON. M. C. DUFFICY, Justice of the Peace at San Rafael, was elected to office in November, 1890, and succeeded himself, inasmuch as he had held the office by appointment prior to election, after Judge Davis had resigned.

   Mr. Dufficy was born near the town of Strokestown, county Roscommon, west of Ireland, December 29, 1839.  His parents, Francis and Alicia (Lane) Dufficy, emigrated to America in 1846, locating at New Orleans, Louisiana, where the father died in 1848.  Our subject attended school six years or until 1852, when the mother and family came to California via Panama, taking passage on the Atlantic side in the steamer Falcon, November 7, 1852, and the steamer Northerner on the Pacific, arriving in San Francisco in December, 1852.  Mr. Dufficy, the fourth of a family of seven children, remained in the city of San Francisco until 1854, when he located in Marysville and remained there until 1876 engaged in mercantile pursuits,--merchandising and dealing in real estate, etc.  For a period of eight years he conducted the Western Hotel and St. Nicholas Hotel of that place.  He was also the proprietor of the Brooklyn Hotel of San Francisco for two years.  In 1883 he took charge of and conducted the Central Hotel at San Rafael until 1886, when he returned to his farm property in Yuba county, where he engaged in farming until 1888.  Returning to San Rafael to make this his home, he purchased residence property and has since been engaged with his present official duties.

   Judge Dufficy was joined in marriage, at Marysville, February 2, 1863, with Miss Edwinia O’Brien, a native of Dubuque, Iowa, and daughter of Dr. James O’Brien, formerly County Physician of Butte county, California, who crossed the plains to California in 1849.  Mr. and Mrs. Dufficy have nine children, namely: Mary, Edwinia, George, Josephine, Veronica, Charles M., Alicia, Elizabeth and Rafael.  During the years between 1857 and 1863, while at Marysville, Judge Dufficy made the study of law a specialty, in the office of Judges L. J. Ashford and F. L. Hatch.  Although not a practitioner, his knowledge of law has been of much value to him since.  He was a Notary Public of Marysville, as he is also of this city.

   He is a staunch Democrat in politics, still active in political matters, and may always be found allied with the better and more progressive element of his party.  He is a gentleman of culture and has the respect and good will of a large circle of friends.


Transcribed by Cathi Skyles.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 314, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Cathi Skyles.




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