August A. Drossel, M. D.


August A. Drossel, M. D., whose office is at No. 1203 Powell street, San Francisco, was born in this city, March 15, 1868, the son of Joseph H. Drossel, whose drug store is at the corner of Powell and Jackson streets, is one of the pioneer druggists of California, and has been engaged in that business for over thirty years in San Francisco.  August received his primary education in the public schools of San Francisco, where he attended the high school for two years.  He then entered the College of Pharmacy, where he graduated in 1886, and then commenced the study of medicine, which he continued privately until he entered the Cooper Medical College in 1888, graduating at that institution in November, 1889, with the degree of Doctor of Medicine.  Dr. Drossel at once entered into private practice at his present location.  He is a member of the State Medical Society of San Francisco.  Dr. Drossel has really been engaged in the study of medicine since his boyhood, having assisted his father in the drug business since he was ten years old, and as he always had intended to become a physician, he has during three years devoted himself to that study.

Transcribed Karen L. Pratt.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 587, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Karen L. Pratt.


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