GUSTAV DRESEL, M.D., whose office is at No. 222 Post street, San Francisco, has been a resident of California from 1870 to 1873, and since 1883, during which latter period he has practiced medicine in San Francisco. He was born in Sisterdale, Texas, in 1856, the son of Julius Dresel, now engaged in grape culture and wine manufacturing in Sonoma county, California, and was one of the early settlers of southern Texas. Then settlements were made about New Braunfels, Sisterdale, San Antonio and Fredericksburg largely by the German revolutionists of 1848 and their sympathizers, and they turned that part of the State into an agricultural paradise. A small German settlement had already been established in Texas while that State was an independent republic. The family have long been of good standing in Germany for many generations, the father having been bred to the profession of law in Germany, but followed farming in Texas. The various members of the family have occupied good positions, mostly as lawyers and land-owners, for many generations.

The subject of this sketch received his primary education in the primary schools of his native place, and later attended the high school of San Francisco, where he graduated in 1873. He then went to Germany, where he passed through the gymasium at Osnarbruck, and successfully passed the State examination. He then commenced the study of medicine at the universities of Heidelberg, where he remained one year; Wurtzburg, where he passed four terms; and then at Strasburg, where he passed five terms, ---at the latter of which he passed his final examination, receiving his degree as Doctor of Medicine and Surgery. Dr. Dresel then devoted himself for nine months to the eye clinics of Prof. Lagueur, of the University of Strasburg, at which he was second assistant surgeon of the clinics. He then went to Vienna and attended the general course of studies and lectures for practitioners at the university there. Later he studied in Berlin for two months, and about the same time in Paris, France. On his return to America the Doctor visited the hospitals and clinics of New York and Boston, remaining about two months. After a visit to Texas, he came to California and settled in San Francisco, where he has since devoted himself to the general practice of medicine. He is now the City Physician of the German Hospital, which position he occupied from 1884 to 1886, to which he was re-appointed in 1889. He is a member of the Medical Society of San Francisco, and of the German Medical Society of San Francisco.

Transcribed by Terry Smith.


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 547-548, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Terry Smith.


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