San Francisco County









CHARLES SHERIDAN DOWNES, of Downes & Byrne, druggist of Oakland was born in Napa, California, February 12, 1853, a son of Dr. J.S. and Kate (Sheridan) Downes, both living in Lakeport in 1891. The mother born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, 1831, of Irish parentage, is of the same lineage as General Philip H. Sheridan, being probably a second cousin of that distinguished representative of his race and family. Her parents came across the plains about 1850, settling on a fruit farm below Sacramento, where both died, the father aged about sixty and the mother sixty-five. J.S. Downes, born in 1821, of New England descent for several generations, received a good education, including a course of medical studies in one of the New England medical colleges, came to California in 1849, and practiced his profession in Sacramento, where he was married in 1851. He moved to Napa some months later, but returned after a few years to Sacramento, where he was professionally associated with Dr. Simmons. On a second sojourn in Napa he was associated with Dr. Stillwagen of that city. These three ranked with the most skilled of the pioneer physicians of their section. About 1865 Dr. Downes moved to Lakeport, where he has since resided. Dr. and Mrs. J.S. Downs have three children: Frank G., Charles S. and Ernest. Charles S. Downes, the subject of this sketch, was educated in Napa and after 1865 in Lakeport, where he graduated from the high school. At the age of twenty he became a clerk for C.E. Phelan, a competent druggist of that city, remaining five years and gaining a thorough knowledge of his profession. He afterwards filled the position of drug clerk in San Francisco, Bodie, and else where for five or six years. In 1884 he went into business on his own account in Colusa, with Charles Bayley, under style of Downes & Bayley. Selling out in 1887, Mr. Downes went to Grass valley, where he became interested in mining, and still owns some property in that line. About two years later he came to Oakland and formed a partnership, March 25, 1889, with J. D. Byrne, under the style of Downes & Byrne, druggists, northwest corner of Eighth and Washington streets, where they have succeeded in building up a very good business. Mr. Downes is a member of Oakland Parlor, No 50, N.S.G.W., and of Madison Lodge, No. 44, F. & A. M.



Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 604, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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