San Francisco County











James Drummond Dole, founder of Hawaiian Pineapple Company, Ltd., was born in Jamaica Plain, Boston, Massachusetts, on September 27, 1877; son of Charles Fletcher and Frances (Drummond) Dole. Graduated from Harvard University in 1899 with the A.B. degree.

            Mr. Dole took up a homestead in the Hawaiian Islands in 1900 and started planting pineapples, 1901. In the same year he organized the Hawaiian Pineapple Company, Ltd., and erected a cannery in 1903. Pack reached 4,857,054 cases in 1931. In 1932 he guided the solution of pineapple juice production in cans and also developed the use of juice from skins and ends of pineapple as canning syrup, citric acid and pineapple bran; originated and carried out the first campaign of “Associational Advertising” for popularizing canned Hawaiian pineapple; helped establish scientific research work in the industry, guided the development of a new type of comminuted apple juice called “Liquid Apple,” and the application of process to other fruits, vegetable juices and purees.

            Mr. Dole was president and general manager of Hawaiian Pineapple Company, Ltd., until 1932 and chairman of the board from 1932 until 1948. He is a partner in J. D. Dole & Associates; president of Chemical Process Company and The James Dole Engineering Company.

            Member of Territorial Board of Agriculture and Forestry, 1903-04; chairman of Territorial Food Commission, 1917-18; member of Territorial Tax Commission, 1928-32; president of Hawaii Bureau of Governmental Research, 1928-33; president of Association of Hawaiian Pineapple Canners for many years; former trustee of Palama Settlement and United Welfare Fund (Honolulu); chief of Food Products Section, Division of Process and marketing of A.A.A., Washington, D.C., for five months in 1933.

            Mr. Dole is the author of “Impressions of Five Months in Washington” (pamphlet), 1934. He is a member of the Pacific Club of Honolulu; Pacific Union
Club and Commonwealth Club of San Francisco; and Harvard Club of New York.

            On November 22, 1906, Mr. Dole married Belle Dickey and has five children: Richard Alexander, James Drummond, Elizabeth, Charles Herbert and Barbara.

            Home:  1100 Union Street, San Francisco 9, California.

            Offices:  58 Sutter Street, San Francisco, California.




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Eminent Californians 1953”, by Lee E. Johnson & C. W. Taylor. Page 113, C. W. Taylor Publ., Palo Alto, California, 1953.

© 2013  Cecelia M. Setty.






San Francisco County Biographies 

San Francisco County 

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