San Francisco County






WASHINGTON DODGE, M.D., whose office is at No. 1417 Van Ness avenue, San Francisco, was born in Tuolumne county, California, in 1859, the son of Dr. Mark T. Dodge, who was one of the early settlers in California, coming from New York State, and was engaged in the practice of medicine until his death, which occurred in 1866, in Jamestown, Tuolumne county. Our subject comes from a family of physicians, his grandfather, Dr. Jonathan Dodge, having practiced medicine in Connecticut for over thirty years, and his uncle, Jonathan W. Dodge, practiced in Vermont for many years. The family were among the early Puritan settlers in New England, and Dr. Dodge is the only living male representative of his branch.

     The subject of this sketch received his education in the public schools of Tuolumne county, and later graduated at the high school of San Francisco in 1877. He commenced the study of medicine while engaged in teaching, entering the medical department of the University of California, in 1881, and graduated at that institution in 1884, with the degree of Doctor of Medicine. While attending the university he taught a class in the Washington Evening Grammar School. Dr. Dodge served one year as house physician of the city and county hospital of San Francisco, after which he engaged in private practice, which he has continued since that time. The Doctor is now visiting physician to St. Luke’s Hospital, which position he has held since 1888. He is also Professor of Therapeutics at the medical department of the University of California. He is a member of the State Medical Society of California, and of the County Medical Society of San Francisco. Dr. Dodge is eminently a self-made man, his father having died when he was six years old; he has since his early manhood been thrown entirely on his own resources, and has built for himself a creditable position in the medical profession.

Transcribed 11-15-05 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 274-275, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.




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