San Francisco County








DOCKWEILER JOHN HENRY, Civil Engineer, San Francisco, California, was born in Lancaster, New York, February 20, 1864, the son of Henry Dockweiler and Margaretha (Sugg)) Dockweiler, the former of whom came from Bavaria while the latter was an Alsatian by birth. Mr. Dockweiler was married in Los Angeles, October 21, 1902, to Miss Martha A. Schultheis.

      Mr. Dockweiler went to Los Angeles when he was but six months old, and may therefore be classed as a Native Son. He first attended a preparatory school there, and from 1872 to the end of 1878 was a student at St. Vincent’s College in the same city. For a period of eighteen months, beginning in 1879, he was employed in a hotel in Los Angeles as a bellboy and storeroom keeper. He then entered the office of the City Surveyor of Los Angeles, where h e remained until September, 1881, when he joined a railroad surveying party and worked under locating and constructing engineers to the end of 1883.

      He re-entered St. Vincent’s College at the beginning of 1884, remaining there two years.  At the beginning of 1886 he again secured employment in the office of the City Surveyor, but left in the spring of 1887 to open an office for himself, engaged in the general practice of surveying. During this period he was employed as one of the engineers on the construction of the cable railway system in Los Angeles.

      In 1891 he became City Engineer of Los Angeles, serving four years, until the end of 1894. In 1895 and 1896 he was engaged in general engineering work, and in 1897 again became City Engineer, serving for two years. While City Engineer he devoted considerable time to the problems of water supply for the city and the litigation connected therewith. He resumed private practice in 1899 and for the next five years was active in general engineering and in the investigation of mining properties. In January, 1904, he went to San Francisco in the capacity of consulting engineer to the City Attorney of that city, in the litigation pending between the Spring Valley Water Works and the City of San Francisco, and has held that position to the present date. He became consulting engineer in 1906 to the city of Oakland in the litigation between the Contra Costa Water Company and the city of Oakland, which position he still retains. In 1908 he was appointed consulting engineer to the City Council of Oakland in the matter of water rates, which position he still holds. He also served in a consulting capacity to other communities in the matter of water supplies. In 1906 he proposed the project of the formation of a municipal water district for all cities around the Bay of San Francisco, which was put into legal shape by the City Attorney of San Francisco, Percy V. Long, and the City Attorney of Oakland, the later John E. McElroy. This law is known as the Municipal Water District Act and was passed by the Legislature of California in 1909. This is the pet project and hobby of Mr. Dockweiler, and is the only solution which, in his opinion, will settle the water problem which is confronting the ever increasing population in the region of the Bay of San Francisco.

      His card index is an object lesson of the ease with which the minutest detail in connection with important lawsuits running over many years can be instantly located. The testimony given in two of the principal water rate suits has been typed on more than 75,000 cards, which have been indexed and cross-indexed under thousands of headings.

      His military, social and technical connections may be summed up in his membership of the Corps of Engineers of the National Guard, with the rank of Major; Commonwealth Club of San Francisco, American Society of Civil Engineers and Engineers and Architects’ Society of Southern California.




Transcribed by Gloria (Wiegner) Lane.

Source: Press Reference Library, Western Edition Notables of the West, Vol. I, PAGE 363, International News Service, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta.  1913.

© 2007 Gloria Lane.


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