San Francisco County












            For many years the subject of our sketch has been prominent as an active worker and leader in fraternal and beneficiary organizations. Although a leading merchant and manufacturer, and much of his time engrossed in business affairs, he devotes a great deal of labor and attention to these humanitarian orders. His high qualifications and successful career as a business man; his open, frank and genial ways; his extensive acquaintance, happy pose of mind, and executive ability have given him a popularity seldom accorded to a person who has been actively engaged in a commercial vocation.

            In his appreciated labors for his co-workers he has persistently advocated a policy of liberal, just and uncompromising business principles in building up these co-operative and beneficiary associations. His speeches and addresses are characterized by plain, concise and exhaustive statements of the subject matter, without any attempt at eloquence or oratorical efforts. His administration as the Chief Executive of the American Legion of Honor has been one of fidelity, popularity and unqualified success. He was born in Rochester, N. Y., in 1840; educated in the pubic schools, and commenced life as a “sailor boy,” arriving in San Francisco in 1858. He joined Grass Valley Lodge, No. 12, I. O. O. F., in 1862; passed the chairs and was elected a Grand Representative in 1866; served three years as Marshal of the Veteran Odd Fellows’ Association, and is now one of the Directors. He helped to organize Burns Lodge, A. O. U. W., in 1878, and Olympic Lodge in 1879, and was elected Grand Representative several terms. In 1880 he joined Bohemian Council, A. L. of H., and was elected Grand Representative in 1883.

            In the Grand Council he held the position of Grand Trustee, Grand Vice-Commander, and in 1887 was unanimously elected Grand Commander. He now holds the position of Grand Treasurer of the Legion of the West, and President of the Occidental Loan Association. He has been prominent in civic affairs for a long time. He has held the position of U. S. Internal Revenue Collector, Assistant Clerk in the Assembly, Assistant Secretary of the Senate, Secretary of the Republican County Committee for three years, and is known as an active and sagacious worker in political affairs. He is one of the firm of Curtis & Dixon, wholesale dealers in and manufacturers of cigars in San Francisco.

            In his domestic relations he has been highly blessed; in his business career a success; and his natural ability as a leader and counselor in the fraternal, political and monetary associations with which he has been connected has given him a large acquaintance all over the Pacific Coast and Eastern States.   




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Illustrated Fraternal Directory Including Educational Institutions on the Pacific Coast, Page 254, Publ. Bancroft Co., San Francisco. Cal.  1889.

© 2012 Cecelia M. Setty.






San Francisco County Biographies 

San Francisco County 

Golden Nugget Library