San Francisco County





Adam Tribe Dickson, M. D., whose office is at No. 322 Third street, has been a resident of California since 1886, and has been engaged in the practice of medicine for the past twenty years.  He was born in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1845.  His early education was received in the grammar schools of his native place, graduating in the high school of that city.  He commenced the study of medicine in 1864 in the University of Glasgow, where he graduated in 1870, after a full course of six years, receiving the degree of Doctor of Medicine.  He at once entered into the practice of medicine, which he continued in Scotland for three years.  He was then engaged about three years in the New Zealand emigration service, having been appointed by the New Zealand Government, Surgeon, his business carrying him between New Zealand and Great Britain.  Later he took a course and passed the necessary examination at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, Scotland, receiving his diploma and becoming a member of that college.  He then practiced for four years in Lancashire, England, and for several years again in Scotland.  In 1886 he removed to the United States, settling in California, where he has been engaged in the practice of his profession in San Francisco.  He is the examining physician for several benevolent societies in San Francisco.


Dr. Dickson belongs to a family of physicians, there having been a number of both his father’s and his mother’s side for several generations back.  His grandfather was a surgeon in the royal navy for many years.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker. 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, pages 88-89, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Donna L. Becker.

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