COLONEL JOHN H. DICKINSON, in the van of the legal profession of San Francisco, was born in Parkersburg, West Virginia, April 8, 1849, and comes of a very good family on his father's side, being connected with the well-known Dickinson family of New York, and on his mother' s with the Jackson's of Virginia.  His mother died when he was about a-year-old, and soon afterward his father came to this coast in engaged in farming in Oregon.  In 1854 the son joined him there.  When about seventeen years of age the future lawyer entered the Ohio Military Academy at Cincinnati and studied a year.  Returning to Oregon, he remained there until 1868, and entered St. Augustine College at Benicia as military instructor, with the rank of Major.  There he continued his studies and applied himself to the law.  He was admitted to practice by the Supreme Court in April, 1873, and three months later opened an office in this city, where his professional career has been signaling successful.  He has applied himself particularly to mercantile and insurance practice.  He is retained as attorney by H. S. Crocker & Co., about Hall Safe and Lock Co., more, Hunt & Co., Sanborn, Vail & Co., and many other prominent firms and corporations.  He served with distinction in the State Senate during the legislative sessions of 1880-'81, representing the old Tenth Senatorial district.  Is one of the most popular National Guard officers of the State.  Was elected Captain of Company B, of the First Infantry Regiment in 1879, and re-elected two years later; and in 1880, though the junior Captain, was elected Colonel of the regiment, which he has since commanded with great ability.  He belongs to the Bohemian Club, the Bar Association and the Masonic order, being Past Master of California Lodge, No. 1, F. & A. M.


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco" Volume I. Lewis Publishing Company 1892. Page 437.

Submitted by: Nancy Pratt Melton.

© 2002 Nancy Pratt Melton

San Francisco County California Biography Project

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Golden Nugget Library