JAMES A. DEVOTO has been numbered among the able and representative members of the San Francisco bar since the year 1890, and his success is the more pleasing to note by reason of the fact that he is a native of this city, and a scion of one of its old and influential Italian pioneer families. He was born in San Francisco on the 29th of July, 1869, and is a son of Anthony and Catherine (Zentacoli) Devoto, both of whom were born and reared in Italy. Anthony Devoto was reared in his native land, whence he came to the United States in 1854. He remained two years in New York City and then, in 1858, came to San Francisco, where he became a pioneer in the commission business, to which he continued to give his attention many years. Here he is now living retired, at the venerable age of eighty-four (1922), his wife having passed away in 1901.  Of the eight children all are living except one.

James A. Devoto acquired his early education in the public schools of San Francisco and after leaving the high school here he entered Hastings College of Law. Thereafter he went to Italy and took an effective post-graduate course in the University of Genoa. He was admitted to the California bar on the fifth of May, 1890, and has since been actively and successfully established in the general practice of his profession in his native city. He is affiliated with the Masonic fraternity and with the Native Sons of the Golden West.

In the year 1901 was solemnized the marriage of Mr. Devoto to Miss Elizabeth M. Castagnetto, who likewise was born and reared in San Francisco and who is a daughter of John Castagnetto. The one child of this union is Jerome L., who is, in 1922, a student in Leland Stanford, Jr., University. 

Transcribed by Linda Nevin 4/24/04.



Source: "The San Francisco Bay Region" by Bailey Millard Vol. 3 page 168. Published by The American Historical Society, Inc. 1924.

© 2004 Linda Nevin


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