San Francisco County




Charles M. Depew.  That "knowledge is power" has been amply demonstrated by the subject of this sketch, through his brief but successful career in San Francisco, and he now owns and operates one of the largest and best equipped milling plants in the city. He is a native of Canada, born in Middlesex in 1850.  His ancestry settled in New Jersey at a very early day.  Subsequently the branch from which our subject descends settled in Canada and there lived for many generations.  In 1860 Charles M., with his parents, moved to Kingston, Michigan, and there his father, William H. Depew, was engaged in the manufacture of furniture and general mill work, and from working about his mill the attention of Charles M. was early turned to the milling industry, although he learned his trade in the mill of Charles Miller at Saginaw City, Michigan.  Acquiring the science of the business, he then went to Chicago and applied it, working as journeyman until 1876, when he came to San Francisco.  Soon after his arrival he was engaged as superintendent of the mill of Jason Springer & Co., on the corner of Spear and Mission streets, where he remained until the great Spear street fire in September, 1888.  Mr. Depew then engaged in business for himself by renting space and power at 217 Spear street, and employing about forty hands.  With the accumulation of business, necessitating greater space and better facilities, he secured a long lease on his present location at 229, 231 and 233 Berry street, the lot being 60 x 275 feet.  He then caused to be erected a two-story frame, 60 x 175 feet, which is covered with corrugated iron, and herein set up a great variety of machinery adapted to his many purposes.  He moved to this location in January, 1891, and now employs sixty hands in the manufacture of doors, sash, blinds and general mill work, in planing, sizing and re-sawing.  His trade covers the coast States with large shipments to Mexico, Honolulu, Australia and the South Pacific Islands.  The location of Mr. Depew is particularly adapted to both rail and water shipments, as he fronts upon Berry street and the southern Pacific railroad, and at the rear upon the channel with dockage for deep-sea vessels.  He was married in East Saginaw, Michigan, in 1873 to Miss Mary J. Howes, a native of Welland, Canada, and to the union has been added one child,--William Harris.  In 1887 Mr. Depew built a handsome residence at 308 San Jose avenue, and owns other city property.  The business ability of Mr. Depew is amply illustrated by his extended trade, which has been built up by close application, fair treatment and guaranteed satisfaction.  He is a member of the Knights of Honor.


Transcribed 1-31-05  Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 697, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.



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