San Francisco County








     CHARLES T. DENNIS, San Francisco, was born in Danvers, Massachusetts, August 30, 1840.  His father, Thomas Dennis, came to California with his family in 1855, locating in Santa Barbara.  In 1859 he was appointed Sheriff of Santa Barbara county, in 1860 elected to the same office, and was re-elected for the two succeeding terms. The subject of our sketch was appointed jailor when hardly twenty years of age.  After serving a short time he was appointed Under-Sheriff, which office he held four years.  Before he was of age he was appointed Postmaster at Santa Barbara, by President Buchanan, and while serving as Under-Sheriff and Postmaster he was also appointed Collector of Internal Revenue.  In 1863 he removed the Internal Revenue office to Los Angeles, where he resided about two years.  Then he returned to Santa Barbara and engaged in mercantile pursuits.  This venture proving unprofitable, in consequence of successive years of drouth, Mr. Dennis removed to San Francisco and entered the employ of the Sutter Street Railroad Company, holding the responsible position of conductor on the road of that company nearly five years.  After that he with his uncle, E. K. Cooley, engaged in the business of manufacturing the tule bottle cover, an invention of their own; but the expense of maintaining their rights in the courts made the business unprofitable and they sold it out.  In 1873 Mr. Dennis opened a general collection and commission agency, which he continued until 1885, when he opened a real-estate office on Kearny street.  He has now large tracts of land in Tehama, Kern and Fresno counties, and smaller tracts in Shasta, Modoc, Lake, Sonoma and Contra Costa counties.  He is also doing a large business in Oakland properties.

     Mr. Dennis was married, in 1861, to Miss Jenettie C. Cooley, a daughter of Judge F. Cooley, late of Woodville, Mississippi.  He has one son and two daughters.

Transcribed 8-6-05  Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 261-2, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.




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