San Francisco County





JAMES De La MONTANYA, a well-known citizen of San Francisco, was born in New York, July 12, 1819. On the paternal side he is of French Huguenot ancestry, who came to the new world to enjoy that freedom of conscience denied them in their own sunny France. On the maternal side he is of the hardy Holland Dutch stock, early settlers of the State of New York. His father, Captain John de la Montanya, was born and educated in that State, and served as a Captain in the war of 1812. He was married in New York to Catherine Weiant, a native of that State, and they had nine children, five of whom still survive. Four brothers reside in California, and the sister is still in New York.

The subject of this sketch, the eldest child, was reared in his native State, where he also conducted a hardware store six years. Becoming convinced of the bright future for business on the Pacific coast, he shipped his stock for San Francisco, and came himself by way of the Isthmus, and from Panama on a sailing vessel, reaching San Francisco in 1850, before the arrival of his goods. As soon as they were landed he opened a wholesale hardware business, which he has carried on successfully in the same location for forty-one years, and few men in San Francisco have had as long and successful a business history. In 1860 he built his present brick block, three stories and a basement, seventy-five feet frontage on Jackson and forty feet on Battery street. This large establishment is crowded from loft to basement with an immense stock, consisting of all kinds of tin-plate, copper, sheet iron, agate and granite ware, stamped and piece tin ware, stoves and ranges. He is sole agent for the renowned Hub stoves, ranges and furnaces, also for the Arlington range and Chilson’s hot-air furnaces, carrying one of the largest stock of goods in his line on the coast. He enjoys a large trade, not only on this coast, but in Honolulu and China. Mr. De la Montanya has invested in city property, and in 1863 built a large and commodious residence on Taylor street, where he has since resided with his family.

He was married, in 1860, to Miss Sarah J. Horn, a native of Ohio, and their union has been blessed with two children: Sarah J. and James, both born in San Francisco. The son now aids his father in conducting his large business. Mr. De la Montanya is a member of the I.O. O. F., and a staunch Republican. He took an active part on the side of the Union when the county was in jeopardy, and contributed $250 per month to aid in caring for the sick and wounded Union soldiers. His religious views are with the Episcopal Church, and he has been a member of Grace Church for the past twenty eight years.

Transcribed by 8-1-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 430, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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