San Francisco County












            The life and labor of Chas. W. Decker in fraternal society life is a signal illustration of the spirit of this age, (sic) He was born in Sacramento county 1855, graduated from the Lincoln Grammar school and after a full course of study received a diploma from the Medical College of the Pacific as a dentist, which occupation he follows with distinguished success. He joined California Parlor, No. 1, 1877, N. S. G. W., and has held office continuously in this order since. In the Grand Lodge he has earned the title of Grand Treasurer, Grand Lecturer, Grand Vice-President, and Past Grand President, and is President of N. S. G. W. Hall association, and President of the Golden West Publishing association, Director of the Library association, N. S. G. W.; Chairman of Finance committee, Grand Parlor, 1888; member of G. A. M. Winn Monument Fund, and Historian of this N. S. G. W. He is a member of Mission lodge, No 169, F. and A. M., California Chapter, No. 5 R. A. M., and Knights of Kadosh, 30 degree, A. and A. S. Rite. He is also past Dictator of Tancred lodge, K. of H.; Past Master Workman, Valley lodge, No. 30, A. O. U. W.; Charter member Unity lodge 61, K. of P., and Director of K. of P. Hall association. In Court Golden State, No. 7495, A. O. F., he holds membership; in the Olympic club and several social, financial and benevolent institutions.

            His association with the great fraternal and beneficiary orders in leading official positions is larger than any other native Californian, or of one of his age in this State. He has a high reputation in his profession, is popular among his associates, and his tact, ability, and large experience warrant him leadership and continued usefulness in society, and fraternal and beneficiary orders.

            The growing pride among Native Sons in this great commonwealth, and the men who have been selected as leaders, have given them a prestige and place at home and abroad equal to any association of men, and highly complimentary to them individually.  




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Illustrated Fraternal Directory Including Educational Institutions on the Pacific Coast, Page 232, Publ. Bancroft Co., San Francisco. Cal.  1889.

© 2012 Cecelia M. Setty.






San Francisco County Biographies 

San Francisco County 

Golden Nugget Library