San Francisco County







CHARLES W. DECKER, D.D.S., was born in Sacramento county California, in 1855, and received his preparatory education in the Lincoln Grammar School. He then entered the office of Dr. C. E. Blake to learn the Profession of dentistry, remaining under Dr. Blake’s instructions five years. He then began a course of Study in the Pacific Medical College, from which institution he had graduated with honors. He then began the practice of his profession in the city of San Francisco and has remained there ever since. He has won an enviable reputation for his skill in dental work, and has a constantly increasing Patronage. He occupies an elegantly furnished suite of parlors in the Phelan building, and employs all the recent and most approved appliances adopted in the profession. He founded what is known as the Colton Dental Association, one of the Specialties of which is the manufacture of Colton gas, which is deemed superior to all others as an anesthetic.

      Dr. Decker however, is not to be viewed solely in the character of a successful professional man. He has done much to promote the welfare of his native State, and is held in the highest estimation by her citizens. At an early day he became a member of the Native Sons of the Golden West, and soon distinguished himself as an earnest, enthusiastic worker, and his efforts have not gone unrecognized by his brother members. In 1883 he was sent as a delegate to the Grand Parlor, and by that body he was elected Grand Treasurer; for several years thereafter he was annually elected a member of that organization. As such he filled consecutively the office of Grand Lecturer, Grand Vice- President, and Grand President. He was twice appointed Deputy Grand President at Large, and he is now one of the senior Past Grand Presidents. In 1885 he was Chairman of the Winn Monument Committee, and has been chairman of the Certificate and Charter Committees. He also promulgated the ritual adopted by the Grand Parlor of 1886. He was chairman of the Finance Committee in 1888, and has been Historian of the society. He has been President of the N.S.G.W. Hall Association, and Director of the N.S.G. W. Library Association. The Golden West, the official organ of the N.S.G.W., in its issue of April, 1887, Contained a very high tribute to the Doctor, the occasion being his retirement from the office of Grand President of the order. At the time of his nomination to the office of The Grand President, M. A. Dow, Past Grand President, took the opportunity in presenting his name to the society to deliver some highly complimentary and eulogistic remarks concerning the Doctor’s career and services to the order. In seconding the motion, Past Grand President, Charles H. Garontte, followed in a similar strain. Dr. Decker was elected by a unanimous vote. He has been closely identified with every progressive step taken by the order. He is a member of quite a number of other fraternities and benevolent societies. He is in every sense a popular man, is genial and kind-hearted, and liberal to the last degree. He has recently acquired a large amount of stock in the Golden West Publishing Company, a corporation which is engaged in the publication of the Golden West above referred to. It is a monthly magazine, and under its present management is very able and successfully edited. It is illustrated in superior style, and unexcelled in the correctness of the portraits it furnishes of distinguished men. Dr. Decker is Secretary of this corporation. He was recently elected one of the School Directors of the city and county of San Francisco, and has brought to the discharge of his duties in this capacity the same energy that has characterized his other movements. Although he has met with strong opposition in his reformatory efforts, he is possessed of those traits which are overcome by no obstacles, and victory is certain to be his ultimate reward.



Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 591, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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