San Francisco County









      An honored figure in the judiciary of San Francisco is Judge Frank T. Deasy of the municipal court, who has been upon the bench since the year 1914, and who has during the intervening period created for himself a position of esteem and confidence in the hearts of his fellow citizens.

      Judge Deasy was born May 28, 1890, in Columbia Hill, Nevada county, California, and is a son of Timothy David and Mary Jane (O’Brien) Deasy. The father came to California from New York, when a youth of fourteen years, for the purpose of joining an uncle who was an early settler and mine owner of Nevada county. He later assisted in the establishment of a shoe factory in San Francisco, and during one period of his life was superintendent of the Delhi gold mine at Columbia Hill. He brought his family to San Francisco in 1894. His wife, who has reached the age of seventy-six years, came to California from the east when she was a young girl. Timothy D. Deasy passed away in 1912.

      After completing his studies in the public schools of San Francisco, Judge Deasy entered St. Ignatius College. He then took up his courses in Santa Clara University, from which he received the Bachelor of Arts degree in 1908. The death of his father brought him face to face with the necessity of providing for his own support, and accordingly he obtained employment with the San Francisco Telephone Company, and at night he attended the San Francisco Law School. After he had acquired an academic knowledge of the legal profession, he took the bar examinations successfully and was duly admitted in 1912. He immediately entered active practice, and two years later, in 1914, he was elected as a justice of the peace. He served creditably in this position until the municipal courts of the city were established by legislative enactment, at which time he was elected to his present office. He has had a fearless but a humane and understanding career upon the bench, and has rendered his many decisions with careful consideration and innate sense of fair play to all concerned.

      On the 23d of April, 1918, in San Francisco, Judge Deasy was united in marriage to Miss Zeta Aileen Mendel, who was born in this city and is a daughter of Dr. Louis Carl and Kathryn (Donlan) Mendel. Judge and Mrs. Deasy are the parents of two daughters, Patricia and Barbara Jean. They reside at 1960 Vallejo street in San Francisco.

      Judge Deasy is a republican in his political affiliation, and is a member of the Roman Catholic Church. He is a third degree member of the Knights of Columbus and also belongs to the Olympic Club, Stanford Parlor of the Native Sons of the Golden West, the Loyal Order of Moose, the Fraternal Order of Eagles, and professionally to the San Francisco Bar Association and the California Bar Association. His favorite recreations are hunting, baseball and golf, and other forms of outdoor life. His keen sense of civic duties has been manifested in the interest he has shown and the cooperation extended to various affairs of local importance. Despite the power he wields he has never incurred the enmity of those who have appeared before him or made enemies among the citizens. He has interpreted the law as the lawmakers have intended it should be administered.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 446-448.

© 2008 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County