P. A. DEAN. -- Among the prominent grocery and provision establishments of Alameda none are of more importance than that of the above named gentleman, whose stock in trade consists of all that may be found in a general grocery store.  He also keeps on hand fresh supplies of all kinds of green fruits in their season.  His establishment is well known, as is also the quality of goods he carries.  He has been established on the corner of Park street and Central avenue for the past twelve years, but will soon remove to a more spacious stand at No. 1346 Park street, a place known as the City Market.  The building is new and fitted expressly for his occupancy.


     Mr. Dean was born at Eoqua, Sweden, April 4, 1841, the second of three children of Gustave and Hannah Dean, both natives of his birth-place.  After completing the term of his apprenticeship at the shoemaker's trade, he came to America, in 1858, locating in Henry county, Illinois, for two years, where he followed his trade, and later he came to California and was employed in the boot and shoe manufactory of Buckingham & Heck, until 1879, when he permanently located in the city of Alameda and engaged in merchandising.

     June 12, 1860, in Illinois, he was married to Miss Emily Jones, a native of Sweden, and they have four children, namely:  Willard, Henry, Eddie and Hilda.


     Politically Mr. Dean is a staunch Republican, and socially he affiliates with lodge No. 112, I.O.O.F.; with the Unity Encampment, No. 26, and the veteran degree of the same order; also with Valley Lodge, No. 30, A.O.U.W., of which he is a charter member, all of San Francisco.

Transcribed by Pamela Storm Wolfskill. 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, pages 576-577, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Pamela Storm Wolfskill.



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