GEORGE W. Daywalt, M.D., whose office is at 1236 Market street, San Francisco, has been a resident of California for the past three years, and has been in the practice of medicine since 1884.  He was born in Concord, North Carolina, in 1859, his early education was received in that city.  In 1878 he entered Rutherford College, Burke county, North Carolina, where he graduated after a three years' course, in 1881, receiving the metal for bright scholarship in his class.  He then attended the State University, where he took a special scientific course.  At the end of that time he decided to study medicine, under the preceptorship of Dr. Sol.  Warwick, of Rutherford College.  In 1882 Mr. Daywalt entered the medical department of the State University of Tennessee, at Nashville, where he graduated in 1884, after the usual course of study, and receiving the class metal for proficiency in medical jurisprudence.  He soon removed to Missouri, where he engaged in the practice of medicine at Hume, continuing there until the fall of 1887.  He then went to New York and took a course of lectures and study at the Post-Graduate School, after which he took a special course in the treatment of diseases of the nose and throat.  He then came to San Francisco, where he entered upon the general practice of medicine, devoting special attention to the study and treatment of the nose and throat.  He is a member of the San Francisco County and State Medical Societies of California.


Dr. Daywalt's family have long been residents of North Carolina, and are of Pennsylvania-German descent.  His great great-grandfather, Jacob Daywalt, was a native of Pennsylvania, who enlisted in the Revolutionary army, under the command of General Greene, and was in the campaigns of the Carolinas, settling in North Carolina after the surrender of Cornwallis.  Dr. Daywalt's father was in the Confederate army in the war of the rebellion, and died in 1862, of wounds received in the service.



Source: "The Bay of San Francisco" (and Its Cities And Their Suburbs) Vol 1. Lewis Publishing Company 1892. Page 472.

Submitted by: Nancy Pratt Melton.


© 2003 Nancy Pratt Melton

San Francisco County California Biography Project

California Statewide

Golden Nugget Library