H. Ward Dawson. Some of his friends and business associates familiar with his career have said that H. Ward Dawson of San Francisco has accomplished in a comparatively brief career more than many men twice his age.  He apparently possesses an intuitive judgment and understanding of the fundamentals of the real estate business, and has organized and put through a number of important deals.


     He was born in Iowa, November 6, 1890, son of John and Mabel (Walker) Dawson.  His father was born in Canada and came of an English family, while his mother was a native of Boston.


     H. Ward Dawson grew up at Los Angeles, attending public schools there, and finished his education in Stanford University.  After leaving school he spent eight months in the service of the Mexican Petroleum Company at Tampico, Mexico, and since then has given his time and energies to the real estate business in Los Angeles and San Francisco.  At Los Angeles he directed a large amount of money in the construction work.  He built a sixty-six  room apartment house at Venice, and a number of dwellings, and he individually owned in and around Los Angeles some property including eight or nine houses and four or five stores.


     At San Francisco, October 30, 1917, Mr. Dawson married Miss Eleanor Uhl.  She was a native daughter of California.  Her father, Adolph Uhl, is a member of the firm of Uhl Brothers, large realty owners and building operators, owning about fifteen stores up and down the coast.  Mr. Dawson has been a profound admirer of Mr. Uhl, believing him to possess one of the keenest intellects in the city, and much of his own success has been due to the advice and interest of his father-in-law.


     Mr. Dawson sold out his interests in Southern California in 1917, and has since been in the real estate and insurance business at San Francisco.  He is secretary of the Uhl Estate Company, is vice president of the Geary-Powell Investment Company, is manager of the Etna Investment Company and is president of the Schneider, Chappel & Jones Company of Sacramento, manager of the commercial block at 833 Market Street in San Francisco. Mr. Dawson assisted in remodeling the Geary Building at 259 Geary Street, installing four store rooms.


    His resident is in the City of Piedmont and he is a member of the school board of that community, being chairman of its committee on buildings and supplies. Mr. Dawson is a member of the Masonic Order at Los Angeles, the Olympic and Union League clubs in San Francisco, and is a republican voter.  During the World war he was in service with the United States Navy.


     Since boyhood he has been interested in athletics, both as an individual participant and of sports in general. While in high school at Los Angeles he was a member of the mile relay team that held the world's record.  His principle game has been tennis.  He has won a number of tennis tournaments, and his name figures in the world's record of the game of tennis, due to the fact that in 1916 he was paired in the double team with that super tennis player of San Francisco, Maurice McLaughlin.  This team won the pacific Coast double championship and also the United States sectional double championship at Chicago in the same year.  The team held the rating of No. 2, among the American double teams of that year.


     Mrs. Dawson is a director of the Ladies' Relief Society.  Both are active socially, and they have two children, Eleanor (Toddy) Dawson and Ward Dawson, Jr.


Transcribed by Marilyn Pankey.


Source: "The San Francisco Bay Region" by Bailey Millard Vol. 3 page 145-146. Published by The American Historical Society, Inc. 1924.

© 2004 Marilyn R. Pankey


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