San Francisco County












            This is a name in California familiar to the great body of our people, associated as it is in public life and commercially as the head of the firm of Horace Davis & Co., one of the oldest in the State as manufacturers of flour. Mr. Davis may feel proud of his ancestry, which can be traced by the records back to 1630 in the old Commonwealth of Massachusetts where he was born. His father, John Davis, was elected Governor of Massachusetts in 1840, and represented that State in the halls of Congress for a period of twenty-six years, ten in the House of Representatives and sixteen years in the United States Senate. Mr. Davis is a graduate of Harvard College and commenced the study of law in the Dane Law School. Failing health compelled him to abandon the law, and, with a view of regaining his health, he shipped as a sailor and gained a knowledge of navigation. He followed the sea around Cape Horn on his way to California, arriving in San Francisco in 1853. For a time he commanded one of the steamships of the Pacific Mail Steamship company, and 1860 established the Golden Gate Flouring Mills, a manufacturing establishment that has been blessed by hardy yeomanry and most fastidious for the excellent quality of flour made during all these years. In 1876 he was elected a member of the House of Representatives and triumphantly re-elected the second term against much factional opposition.

            In 1875 he was united in marriage with Miss Edith S. King, daughter of the lamented Thomas Starr King. He has led an active, useful life, and helped to administer and promote many humane and important institutions in this State. He was an active member of the Sanitary Commission during the late war and did efficient service for the Union. In 1864 he was President of the Mercantile Library Association; from 1866 to 1876, ten years, he was president of the Produce Exchange; in 1883-84 he was President of the Chamber of Commerce and he is now President of the Savings and Loan Society, one of the oldest and most reliable banking institutions in San Francisco. An active career of one-third of a century in California has brought no diminution of his physical or mental energies; his uniformly courteous and genial temperament seem to have smoothed the furrows with which the plow of time usually marks the brow when the half-century of life is passed. He has accepted the position of President of the State University at Berkeley. The Trustees of the Leland Stanford, Junior, University will find in him a valuable coadjutor.  




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: Illustrated Fraternal Directory Including Educational Institutions on the Pacific Coast”, Page 51, Publ. Bancroft Co., San Francisco. Cal.  1889.

© 2012 Cecelia M. Setty.






San Francisco County Biographies 

San Francisco County 

Golden Nugget Library