William A. Davies first came to California in 1852.  The record of his life shows an honorable integrity all the way through.  He mined in Tuolumne county in the beginning; then went to Calaveras, where he lived till 1857.  Returning then to Tuolumne, he remained there for about twelve years.  In 1869 he went to Stockton.  He was in the internal revenue service there till 1875, when he was transferred here to San Francisco.  In 1879 he was Deputy Controller under Governor Perkins' administration.  In 1882, nominated for Controller, he received a very flattering vote, indeed, compared with others.  Then he went to Sacramento and farmed for a time.   Subsequently he came here and was appointed Deputy County Clerk during Mr. Ruddick's term.

     During war times Mr. Davies was a staunch Union man.  He was instrumental, indeed, in building up the Third Brigade to a degree of efficiency for any service it might be called on to perform at that time. This was in Tuolumne county.  He organized the First Infantry Battalion, and on the forming of the brigade was appointed Brigadier-General, which honorable position he held for a period of eleven years.  He therefore fully merits a General's title; but as there is no pride of this kind in his composition, or any desire for show or applause, he has never assumed it.

     In Masonry he is prominent, and has been for many years. He is P. G.  M. of the Grand Lodge; Past Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter, R. A. M.; Past Grand Master of the Grand Council, R. and S.M.; Past Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery, Knights Templar; Past Grand Commander-in-Chief, Grand Consistory, and President of the Convention of High Priests.


Transcribed 12-9-04  Marilyn R. Pankey


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 637-638, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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