San Francisco County







     GEORGE WILLIAM DAVIS, M.D., whose office is at No. 431 Geary street, San Francisco, has been a resident of California for the past twenty-one years, practicing his profession.  Born near St. Joseph, Missouri, in Buchanan county, his early education was had in the public and private schools of his neighborhood.  At the age of eighteen, in 1862, he enlisted in the confederate service during the late war, and served until the close of the struggle.  He was wounded April 9, 1864, in the battle at Pleasant Hill, Louisiana, while under the command of General Richard Taylor, operating against General Banks’ expedition.

     After the close of the  war he attended school at the Union Academy near Springville, Louisiana.  Subsequently he taught school almost a year.  Returning to his home in Missouri, he began the study of medicine under the preceptorship of his father, Dr. S. Davis, and after a year thus spent he went to St. Louis, Missouri, attended lectures at the Missouri Medical College and graduated in March, 1870.  Removing immediately to California, he located at Chico, Butte county, and practiced there until 1881.  Then he spent the larger part of a year in New York city, reviewing his medical studies at the Bellevue Hospital Medical College, devoting himself more especially to surgery.  On his return to California he located at Sacramento where he remained a year; and in the spring of 1883 he removed to San Francisco.  In May, 1888, he went to Europe and studied in the hospitals of London, Paris, Berlin and Vienna for fourteen months, with special reference to gynecology.  He is a member of the American Medical Association, of the California State Medical Society, and of the San Francisco Medical Society, and of the Geographical Society of the Pacific. 

     On his father’s side he is of early New England stock, his great-grandfather, Captain Daniel Davis, having been a prominent man in Boston, and later a Captain in the Revolutionary war; afterward he joined the company of Ohio Associates, under General Rufus Putnam, who commenced the settlement of Ohio in 1788.  On his mother’s side he is of Irish stock; her ancestry early settled in New York city, and subsequently at Winchester, Virginia, where his mother was born.

     His grandfather, Colonel Jesse Davis, born July 23, 1778, at Killingly, Ohio, was in many respects a remarkable man.  He had not only a stalwart frame, a noble and commanding presence, but strong intellectual endowments joined with a decisive character, a moral courage and persistence in maintaining the right which made his influence for good great in the community in which he lived.  He was active in public affairs; for many years Town Clerk, Justice of the Peace, Colonel of Militia – a very efficient officer, and when mounted on his horse in military dress presented a fine appearance.  He died in the fullness of a ripe and vigorous manhood.  His father, Doctor Simon Davis, born August 21, 1808, in Washington county, Ohio, had a good common-school education, and at seventeen years of age received a certificate of qualification to teach.  At an early age he removed to Audrain county, Missouri, where he continued teaching till 1841, when he was married to Eliza M. Gray; and at about the same time began the study of medicine in the Kemper Medical School in St. Louis, graduating in 1844.  Shortly after he located in Buchanan county, Missouri, where he resided till removing to California in 1869.  He died in San Francisco, July 21, 1889.  He was an honorable and successful physician.  His life was an active one.  He was an untiring student, a painstaking investigator of every subject and question that required consideration.  He wrote extensively.  He abounded in the amenities of life.  Though of a genial, kindly and to a degree of a timid disposition, he yet possessed great boldness in defence of the right; and entered with the heartiest sympathy in the protection of the weak and needy.  He was a most exemplary Christian gentleman; preeminently conscientious and true; and no man occupied a higher position in the genuine respect and esteem of all who knew him. His wife, who was a noble and true companion, and a loving and devoted mother, is living, and resides at Alameda, California.


Transcribed 7-31-05  Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 256-7, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.




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