Edward Livingston Davis, D. D. S.


Edward Livingston Davis, D. D. S., whose office is in the Flood Building, San Francisco, was born in Lansing, Michigan, in 1866, the son of E. Livingstone Davis, who was a graduate of the literary and also of the law departments of Harvard University.  He was engaged in law practice for some years, and then in land speculations in western New York, and later in Michigan and Wisconsin.  In 1875, owing to ill health, he came to California, where he passed the last twelve years of his life, dying at San Jose in 1888.  He was of English descent, but a native of Pennsylvania; his wife was a native of New York. 


Edward Davis, our subject, received his early education in the public schools of San Jose, where he graduated at the grammar schools.  He later attended the high school of that city and the University of the Pacific, attending the latter institution two years. His also a graduate of the Garden City Business College of San Jose.  In 1883 he commenced the study of dentistry, under the preceptorship of A. O. Hooker, a prominent dentist of San Jose, with whom he studied two years.  Next he entered the College of Dentistry of the University of California, graduating in 1887, and receiving the degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery.  He at once entered into private practice in his present office.

Transcribed Karen L. Pratt.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 625, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Karen L. Pratt.


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