CHARLES A. DAVIS, M.D., whose office is at 326 Geary street, San Francisco, has been a resident of California since 1869, and has been in the practice of medicine on this coast since 1881.  He was born and Buchanan county, Missouri, near St. Joseph in 1856, the son of Simon Davis, who has a medical practitioner for forty-four years in Missouri and California.  A brother, Dr. G. W. Davis, is now in practice in San Francisco.  Charles received his early education in the schools of his native county.  In 1869 he removed with his parents to California, settling in Vacaville, Solano county, where he attended the Methodist College, later graduating at Pierce Christian College, at College City, Colusa county.  He commenced this study of medicine in 1877, under the proprietorship of his father and his brother.  He entered the Cooper Medical College, then the Medical Department of the University of the Pacific, in 1879, which he attended one year.  Mr. Davis then went East, and entered the Medical Department of the University of Nashville and Vanderbilt University, where he graduated in 1881, with the highest honors in a class of 150.  Soon afterward he came to California and commenced the practice of his profession at Chico, California, where he remained three years.  From that point he removed to Santa Rosa, remaining three years, and then to San Francisco, where he has been engaged in practice of medicine for the last three years.  He is a member of the State and County Medical Societies of California.


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco" (and Its Cities And Their Suburbs) Vol 1. Lewis Publishing Company 1892. Page 454.

Submitted by: Nancy Pratt Melton.


© 2003 Nancy Pratt Melton

San Francisco County California Biography Project

California Statewide

Golden Nugget Library