San Francisco County







ANTONIO DANERI came to San Francisco in 1855 and was engaged in the hardware business in which he has since continued, having had a successful business career of thirty-six years.

      Mr. Daneri was born in Italy, February 22, 1839, and was sixteen years of age when he came with his uncle, Louis Bisagno, to California. They engaged in business together, first on Kearny street near Sutter, next on Clay street, and in 1860 moved the store to its present location, 420 Battery street. In 1875 Mr. Daneri bought his uncle’s interest in the business and has since been sole proprietor. He has been prospered in his undertakings and from time to time has made investments in real estate in this city and elsewhere. He built the nice home in which he resides with his family. In 1885 he purchased 103 acres of land at Geyserville, Sonoma county, which he has been improving with vines and olives and on which he has built a residence and winery. This beautiful and picturesque property he has named Villa Maria. It is fast becoming valuable, and already its wine product finds a ready market in San Francisco.

            In 1862 Mr. Daneri returned to his native land, was married, and after a brief stay in Italy returned with his bride to his home and business in this city. Here six children were born to them: Emile H., Henry P., Eugene G., Edward, Attilio and Irene. The three oldest sons are helping their father in his business, and, like him, are obliging and capable business men. After a happy married life of twenty-nine years, Mrs. Daneri died on the first of March, 1891. She was a most estimable woman and her death was a source of much bereavement to her family and mahy friends.

      Mr. Daneri has been a prominent Mason for a number of years and is now Past Master of his lodge, No. 219, Speranza Italiana; is also a member of San Francisco Chapter, No. 1. He is also a member of the Italian Benevolent Society, of which he has been treasurer for eighteen years. In politics he is liberal and independent, voting for good men and not for party. 



Transcribed 2-27-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 431, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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