San Francisco County









      Now successfully engaged in the practice of law in San Francisco, Major Alfred Vernon Dalrymple has likewise had a notable career in naval service and in foreign appointments, as his following record will indicate. He was born in Lexington, Lee county, Texas, on January 6, 1877, and is a son of the late William and Elizabeth (Wilson) Dalrymple. William Dalrymple was a well known rancher and cattle man of the state of Texas. During the Civil war, he served as a soldier in a North Carolina regiment. His death occurred in 1925, his wife having died many years previously, when the subject of this biography was a child. Their family numbered five sons and one daughter.

      In the acquirement of his education, Major Dalrymple attended an extraordinary number of schools. First he studied in the public schools, and then the Sam Houston Institute in Huntsville, Texas. He next took up the study of law at Valparaiso University in Valparaiso, Indiana, and from this institution received the Bachelor of Laws degree, after which he pursued a post-graduate course at Georgetown University and received an honorary Doctor of Laws degree therefrom. He likewise attended the Lincoln Memorial University and the Ohio Northern University. Major Dalrymple taught school for a period in Texas, and at another time was superintendent of schools in the Philippine Islands, where he also served as prosecuting attorney from 1904 until 1906. From 1910 until 1911, he was governor of Amburayan. He has engaged in the practice of law in Illinois, in Texas, and now in San Francisco, California, with offices in this city at 582 Market street. In each of these fields, he has created an excellent reputation for himself as an able and astute lawyer. In public affairs he has also taken an active role. Among other things, he was one of those strongly opposed to the Ku Klux Klan in Texas during the years from 1922 until 1924. He is a member of the San Francisco and the California State Bar Associations.

      Major Dalrymple was married on December 26, 1910, to Miss Hannah K. O’Malley, of Worcester, Massachusetts, and Manila, Philippine Islands. They are the parents of the following children: Elizabeth, Alice, Austin, James McIvor, and John Marshall Dalrymple. The family residence is in Berkeley, California.

      Major Dalrymple served under the command of Admiral William T. Sampson during the naval campaign in the Spanish-American war. During the World war period, he again served under his country’s flag. He was a major in the United States Army, and was with the Army of Occupation in German territory after the armistice. He was also a staff officer at the historic peace conference in Paris, France, and contributed service of marked importance at this meeting. This was his preparation of the ethnographic maps and history of Poland, also the same pertaining to the Dalmatian coast, which were used during the negotiations to determine the boundaries of Poland, and to settle Italy’s claims to the Dalmatian coast.

      Major Dalrymple is now a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars; the United States Naval Veterans; the American Legion; and the Snakes. During the years of his practice in San Francisco, he has obtained a secure place in the ranks of the local attorneys, and has conducted the causes assigned to him with rare skill and ethical procedure. He has taken a loyal interest in affairs of the city, and is known as a devotee of trout and bass fishing in his recreational life.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 385-387.

© 2008 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County