San Francisco County






   W. R. Daingerfield, a prominent lawyer of San Francisco, is a son of the late Judge W. P. Daingerfield, one of the most eminent jurists of the State of California.  He was a native of Virginia, where he received his education and studied law.  Upon the discovery of gold in California he came to the Pacific coast, arriving here in 1850, where he engaged in the practice of law.  He was early elected Judge of the Ninth Judicial District, comprising the most of the northern portion of California, which position he held until the war of the Rebellion.  He then came to San Francisco and engaged in the practice of his profession, having been associated at different times with Judge W. W. Cope, J. Douglas Hambleton, Henry E. Highton and Warren Olney.  Mr. Daingerfield was subsequently elected Judge of the Twelfth Judicial District, comprising the southern portion of the city and county of San Francisco and all of San Mateo county, and held this position until the judgeship was abolished by the new constitution.  He was immediately thereafter elected Judge of the Superior Court, having been chosen the first presiding Judge of that court, and served with distinction until his death, which occurred May 5,1880, from a stroke of apoplexy while on the bench, leaving a wife and two children, a son and daughter.  The latter lost her life in a railroad accident in December, 1888.

   W. R. Daingerfield, the only surviving son, and the subject of this sketch, is a native son, born in Shasta, June 9, 1857.  He received his education in this State, graduating at the State University at Berkeley, in the class of 1878.  He afterward studied law, and was a member of the first graduating class of Hastings’ College of Law.  He was admitted to the bar in October, 1879, after which he engaged in the practice of law, and two years later was appointed Court Commissioner of the Superior Court.  He held this position until 1888, when he resigned this position to join the law firm of O’Brien, Morrison & Daingerfield, now O’Brien & Daingerfield.  The firm enjoys a large clientage, and holds a prominent place in the profession.


Transcribed by David Rugeroni.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 212, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 David Rugeroni.




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