San Francisco County











            Co-operative associations, beneficiary and fraternal orders have enlisted the best

efforts of a large number of our prominent professional men, artisans and capitalists.

            Among these the subject of our sketch has gained popularity and has the confidence of his associates and co-workers in the numerous beneficiary organizations of which he is a member. He was born in Scotland in 1863, and was schooled in the rough rugged elements surrounding life in his mountainous home. His early life was one of industry and close application to industrial pursuits. His education was thorough and he commenced his chosen occupation at the age of fourteen years, that of a designer and engraver on wood. Following the custom of his native land he served an apprenticeship of seven years under systematic and able instructors---a judicious training that has enabled him in a large measure to attain the leading position he now occupies in his profession.

            He came to California in 1884 and after a short period spent in Los Angeles settled in San Francisco and is now the proprietor of the Acme Engraving Company.

            He is a leading member of Golden State Lodge, No. 7495, Independent Order of Foresters of America, and Golden Fleece Lodge, No. 11, Royal Argosy. In the Order of Chosen Friends he has been active, energetic and is recognized as one of the sagacious leaders of this growing order. He joined Eclectic Council No. 55, O. C. F., in 1866 (sic) passed through all the official stations and now holds the title of Past Chief Councillor.  He is married to a gifted and estimable woman and his marital relations have been most happy. Brother Cunningham is in the prime and vigor of manhood, has a pleasing address and has a bright future as a skilled artisan.

            He has a kind and sympathizing disposition, and a great benevolent heart that is quickened at the call of suffering humanity. His own experience and struggles in the battle of life have intensified and crystallized his benevolent nature, so that in these raternal (sic) societies he has found a field where labor is recreation and suffering humanity has enlisted a leader whose arduous toil sweeteus (sic) life. 




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Illustrated Fraternal Directory Including Educational Institutions on the Pacific Coast, Page 271a, Publ. Bancroft Co., San Francisco. Cal.  1889.

© 2012 Cecelia M. Setty.






San Francisco County Biographies 

San Francisco County 

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