San Francisco County









Past Grand Patriarch.



            Men who are benevolent, and have a sympathizing nature, are drawn to these fraternal orders, and become the most enthusiastic supporters of a system of charity that guards against fraud, and never fails to grant relief to those who are found worthy. In the system of weekly benefits, care and support of the orphan and widow in the well-regulated manner of the I. O. O. F., the subject of our sketch found a field suited to his tastes, and a society that enlisted his best efforts to sustain, enlarge and perpetuate.

            Bro. Crosett was born in 1844 at Boston, of Puritan stock and by right can claim descent from the true aristocracy of our country. When quite a young man he came to California, and learned the art of setting type in Grass Valley where he resided until 1863, when he changed his location for San Francisco. He joined Pacific Lodge of Odd Fellows February 10, 1870, was elected January 3d, 1878, Noble Grand; was appointed D. D. G. M., and served in the year 1880; joined Golden Gate Encampment, No 1, of Patriarchs, November 12th, 1875, and elected Chief Patriarch for the term ending December 31, 1879. He was appointed, and served as D. D. G. P. for District No. 1, for the years 1883-84, and was elected Grand Patriarch in the year 1886, and served the full term of twelve months, visiting every Encampment in the jurisdiction, besides instituting three new Encampments. His term was considered very successful; in fact, no greater for the advancement of the Patriarch branch of the Order has ever been taken by any Grand Patriarch in this jurisdiction. His report shows that for him the year was one of hard and active work. At the conclusion of his term of office, and in recognition of his services, the Grand Encampment on October 18, 1887, elected him as Grand Representative to the Sovereign Grand Lodge, for the years 1888-1889. For the year 1888 he was again appointed to the office of D. D. G. P., in connection with his other duties. He joined the Patriarch Militant, Canton No. 5; was appointed on Col. E. H. Black’s staff as Asst. Surgeon, with rank of Captain, January 1st 1887. He was appointed Major and Assistant Adjutant General to Brigadier General E. K. Russell, P. M., September 10th, 1887.

            Mr. Crosett is in real estate, and although in active business he always finds time to attend to the duties pertaining to his official position and lodge meetings. He is genial, has a pleasant address, and is very popular among his fraters.




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Illustrated Fraternal Directory Including Educational Institutions on the Pacific Coast”, Pages 85-86, Publ. Bancroft Co., San Francisco. Cal.  1890.

© 2013  Cecelia M. Setty.






San Francisco County Biographies 

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