San Francisco County





Hugh Crockard, shipsmith at 216 Stewart street, is a native of county Down, Ireland, where he passed his boyhood days and learned the trade of blacksmith.  Coming to the United States in 1851, he then served his time with Richard Atkinson, at 54 West street, New York, in learning the trade of shipsmith, which he followed until 1859, when he started by water and the Panama route for San Francisco, arriving March 15 of the same year.  He soon found occupation with Isidor Burns, shipsmith on Market street, and with him remained until 1868, when Mr. Crockard started business for himself of Mission street and performed general smith-work pertaining to ships and steamers.  In June, 1888, he moved to his present location, 216 Stewart street, where he employs an average of six men and enjoys a lucrative business.


He was married in New York city, in 1856, to Miss Margaret Scott, a native of county Down, Ireland, and to the union has been added eight children, seven of whom survive:  John, William J., Martha, Mary, Sarah, Robert F. and Esther.


Mr. Crockard is an Elder and trustee of the South San Francisco Memorial Presbyterian Church, and a member of I. O. O. F. and A. O. U. W., and in politics a Republican.  He has been prosperous in his business relations, and has accumulated some fine residence property in the city.  Thus his energy and perseverance have been justly rewarded.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker. 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 702, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Donna L. Becker.





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