San Francisco County






   ANDREW CRAIG, a San Francisco lawyer, was born in 1836, in Zanesville, Ohio, of which State his parents were early settlers. His father, a merchant, removed to Missouri and his son was reared and received his education in that State. He studied law in the office of Hon. C. H. Mansur, came to the Pacific coast in 1863, located at Stockton, was admitted to the bar and remained there two years, when he removed to Santa Cruz and engaged in the practice of his profession for fifteen years. He was elected District Attorney of the county, and afterward received the nonination and was elected County and Probate Judge, and filled that office with ability and credit. His county also honored him with the nomination for the State Senate and member of the Constitutional Convention.

   In 1880 Judge Craig removed to San Francisco and since then has successfully practiced his profession in the city, State and Federal Courts. Up to 1882 he was associated with D. T. Sullivan, the firm being Sullivan & Craig, and is now connected with Judge R. H. Taylor, in the firm of Taylor & Craig. He was appointed Assistant City and County Attorney by Judge J. L. Murphy, and held that position during Kallock’s administration, a very arduous position, characterized by vexatious litigation. Judge Craig is a staunch, consistent Democrat, and is now, as he always has been, active in the councils of his party. In 1890 he received the nomination for the office of Superior Judge of San Benito county, notwithstanding he was a resident of this city. Judge Craig is a member of the Masonic fraternity, is Past President of the Society of True Friends and of the Society of Independent Old Friends, and is also connected with other local organizations. 

Transcribed 10-31-05 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 273, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.




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